Web Application
ePortfolio allows you to create portfolios, conduct trade ticket entry for any buy/sell tickets, enter and edit pledge/safekeeping information, view and print reports and graphs of portfolio holdings, upload/download files and makes it easy for you and your clients to view and print reports online.
ePortfolio Features
New Customer Entry
Login Validation
Used to provide customer information, login validation must be completed and submitted before accessing the Web site. It contains both server-side and client-side validation.
Portfolio Detail
Buy Securities
Simplify entry for purchases for you or your customers and hold for validation. Once approved, the purchases enter the Portfolio Genius® database for processing.
Pledge and Safekeeping
Enter or edit pledge and safekeeping information for your securities. View par value, pledged and unpledged amounts, and names of pledge and safekeeping institutions. Once entered, the information is held in a validation area for approval for processing by Portfolio Genius.
Upload/Download Files
Upload and download processed portfolio files from Portfolio Genius, an A/LM file extract, general ledger file extract, etc. – regardless of file format.
Related Products
Portfolio Genius
Provides full coverage of the fixed income and liability instruments in your portfolio, including investment accounting, management, analysis, reporting, as well as regulatory compliance reporting.
Front office trade capture system, provides real-time position and exposure views with immediate access to underlying trades. Trades can be input manually or imported through spreadsheets.
Derivative Genius
Handles the various products that typically constitute a derivative portfolio, including: Interest Rate Swaps, Swaptions, Options, Forwards and Futures.